2016-01-23 03:23:11 Start at 23/01/2016 03:23:11 - miXXXXXXXX@XXXXXXXXX EU 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Bot Version 0.9.483 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Profile - Greater Rifts.xml 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Speed settings = True 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Start botting 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Executing Order 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Executing GoGetKeystones, True 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Executing If, GreaterRiftsLevel == -1 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Executing Else 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Executing Params, Grifts, true 2016-01-23 03:23:11 Executing If, GreaterRiftsLevel == 0 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing Else 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 172909 2016-01-23 03:23:12 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing 移到, 445.9769, 393.6685 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing 移到, 445.9769, 393.6685 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 161472 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 332336 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 304235 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing If, not ActorExistsAt(364715, Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y, Me.Position.Z, 80) 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing Params, WillSpeed, false 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing Params, RiftsEndStep, 34 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing Params, RiftsBossAppearedStep, 16 2016-01-23 03:23:12 Executing UseRiftsTower, 364715, True 2016-01-23 03:23:20 Executing Params, WillSpeed, true 2016-01-23 03:23:20 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:23:20 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:23:20 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:23:20 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:23:20 Executing 等待, 1000, False 2016-01-23 03:23:21 Executing WorldChange 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Executing If, not Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:23:22 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Executing While, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) and not Me.IsInTown and GetValue.GoBack != 1 2016-01-23 03:23:22 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Executing If, GetValue.UsedPortal == 1 and not LastUsePortalResult 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Executing 探索全区域, 60, 0.03 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Explore starting Pos = X: 999.5175, Y: 606.704, Z: 0.09999999 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Start Clear [Box(16, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Walk to center point = X: 972.5, Y: 612.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:23:22 pos after walk to center point = X: 972.5, Y: 612.5, Z: 0.2689877 2016-01-23 03:23:22 [Box(16, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:23:22 [Box(16, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:23:22 Start Clear [Box(15, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Walk to center point = X: 925, Y: 625, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:23:22 pos after walk to center point = X: 925, Y: 625, Z: 0.4844933 2016-01-23 03:23:22 [Box(15, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:23:22 [Box(15, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:23:22 Start Clear [Box(14, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:23:22 Walk to center point = X: 875, Y: 635, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:23:23 cannot move to monster position - QuillDemon_A-1030 4982 2016-01-23 03:23:31 Looting Console_PowerGlobe-1211 2016-01-23 03:23:31 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-1209 2016-01-23 03:23:33 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1312 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:33 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1312 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:33 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:23:42 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1335 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:42 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1335 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:42 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1335 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:42 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1335 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:42 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1335 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:44 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:23:44 Looting Console_PowerGlobe-1649 2016-01-23 03:23:47 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-1812 2016-01-23 03:23:48 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-1813 2016-01-23 03:23:59 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:59 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:59 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:59 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:59 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:23:59 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:24:00 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:24:00 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:24:00 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:24:00 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_E-1666 144315 2016-01-23 03:24:08 pos after walk to center point = X: 875, Y: 635, Z: 0.08644295 2016-01-23 03:24:08 [Box(14, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:08 [Box(14, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:08 Start Clear [Box(14, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:24:08 Walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 687.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:10 Stuck when attacking creepMob_A-2212 4738!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.652714 2016-01-23 03:24:18 Stuck when attacking FallenGrunt_A-2230 4080!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.8108459 2016-01-23 03:24:19 Stuck when attacking FallenGrunt_A-2230 4080!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.9715655 2016-01-23 03:24:21 pos after walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 687.5, Z: 0.1188793 2016-01-23 03:24:21 [Box(14, 11)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:21 [Box(14, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:21 Start Clear [Box(13, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:24:21 Walk to center point = X: 827.5, Y: 690, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:21 pos after walk to center point = X: 827.5, Y: 690, Z: 0.08716965 2016-01-23 03:24:21 [Box(13, 11)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:21 [Box(13, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:21 Start Clear [Box(13, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:24:21 Walk to center point = X: 825, Y: 735, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:21 pos after walk to center point = X: 830, Y: 724.4999, Z: 0.09893799 2016-01-23 03:24:21 [Box(13, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:21 [Box(13, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:21 Start Clear [Box(14, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:24:21 Walk to center point = X: 852.5, Y: 732.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:21 pos after walk to center point = X: 841.3065, Y: 728.52, Z: 0.09893799 2016-01-23 03:24:21 [Box(14, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:21 [Box(14, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:22 [Box(14, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:22 Cleared [Box(14, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:24:22 [Box(13, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:22 Cleared [Box(13, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:24:22 [Box(13, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:22 Cleared [Box(13, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:24:22 [Box(14, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:22 [Box(14, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:22 Cleared [Box(14, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:24:22 [Box(14, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:22 [Box(14, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:22 Start Clear [Box(14, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:24:22 Walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 567.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:23 pos after walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 567.5, Z: 0.3694973 2016-01-23 03:24:23 [Box(14, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:23 [Box(14, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:23 Start Clear [Box(13, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:24:23 Walk to center point = X: 827.5, Y: 552.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:23 pos after walk to center point = X: 827.5, Y: 552.5, Z: 0.1694317 2016-01-23 03:24:23 [Box(13, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:23 [Box(13, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:23 [Box(13, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:23 Start Clear [Box(13, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:24:23 Walk to center point = X: 825, Y: 492.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:24 pos after walk to center point = X: 827.5, Y: 492.5, Z: 0.08805275 2016-01-23 03:24:24 [Box(13, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:24 [Box(13, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:24 [Box(13, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:24 Start Clear [Box(14, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:24:24 Walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 507.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:24 pos after walk to center point = X: 860.1191, Y: 504.7778, Z: 0.4032669 2016-01-23 03:24:24 [Box(14, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:24 [Box(14, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:24 [Box(14, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:24 [Box(14, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:24 Start Clear [Box(14, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:24:24 Walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 447.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:33 pos after walk to center point = X: 866.6971, Y: 441.8794, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:33 [Box(14, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:33 [Box(14, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:33 Start Clear [Box(13, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:24:33 Walk to center point = X: 815, Y: 442.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:43 pos after walk to center point = X: 818.5439, Y: 433.6411, Z: 0.1207581 2016-01-23 03:24:43 [Box(13, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:43 [Box(13, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:43 Start Clear [Box(12, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:24:43 Walk to center point = X: 765, Y: 435, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:43 pos after walk to center point = X: 767.5, Y: 430, Z: 0.1218548 2016-01-23 03:24:43 [Box(12, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:43 [Box(12, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:43 [Box(12, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:43 Start Clear [Box(12, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:24:43 Walk to center point = X: 755, Y: 382.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:50 pos after walk to center point = X: 761.1813, Y: 377.1956, Z: 0.1221371 2016-01-23 03:24:50 [Box(12, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:24:50 [Box(12, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:24:50 Start Clear [Box(11, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:24:50 Walk to center point = X: 685, Y: 385, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:24:58 cannot move to monster position - FallenGrunt_A-2783 4080 2016-01-23 03:24:58 cannot move to monster position - FallenGrunt_A-2783 4080 2016-01-23 03:24:58 cannot move to monster position - FallenGrunt_A-2783 4080 2016-01-23 03:24:58 cannot move to monster position - FallenGrunt_A-2783 4080 2016-01-23 03:25:01 pos after walk to center point = X: 687.5, Y: 385, Z: 0.2259922 2016-01-23 03:25:01 [Box(11, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:25:01 [Box(11, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:25:01 Start Clear [Box(10, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:25:01 Walk to center point = X: 635, Y: 395, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:25:02 cannot move to monster position - FallenShaman_A-2900 4098 2016-01-23 03:25:02 cannot move to monster position - FallenShaman_A-2900 4098 2016-01-23 03:25:02 cannot move to monster position - FallenShaman_A-2900 4098 2016-01-23 03:25:02 cannot move to monster position - FallenShaman_A-2900 4098 2016-01-23 03:25:06 pos after walk to center point = X: 642.5, Y: 395, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:25:06 [Box(10, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:25:06 [Box(10, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:25:06 Start Clear [Box(10, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:25:06 Walk to center point = X: 627.5, Y: 447.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:25:08 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:25:12 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:25:22 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:25:22 pos after walk to center point = X: 629.7902, Y: 441.675, Z: 0.3243847 2016-01-23 03:25:22 [Box(10, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:25:22 [Box(10, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:25:22 Start Clear [Box(9, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:25:22 Walk to center point = X: 587.5, Y: 452.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:25:30 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:25:31 cannot move to monster position - FallenShaman_D-3663 365 2016-01-23 03:25:35 1st time pathList.Count = 0, destination = X: 592.2107, Y: 505.5205, Z: 0.1 2016-01-23 03:25:35 Nearest not allowed 2016-01-23 03:25:35 cannot move to monster position - Ghoul_D-3730 4204 2016-01-23 03:25:45 pos after walk to center point = X: 597.5, Y: 452.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:25:45 [Box(9, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:25:45 [Box(9, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:25:45 Start Clear [Box(9, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:25:45 Walk to center point = X: 572.5, Y: 507.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:25:46 pos after walk to center point = X: 572.5, Y: 507.5, Z: 1.907349E-06 2016-01-23 03:25:46 [Box(9, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:25:46 [Box(9, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:25:46 Start Clear [Box(9, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:25:46 Walk to center point = X: 567.5, Y: 567.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:25:47 Stuck when attacking QuillDemon_A-3914 4982!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:25:56 pos after walk to center point = X: 572.5932, Y: 561.0256, Z: 0.3367062 2016-01-23 03:25:56 [Box(9, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:25:56 [Box(9, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:25:56 Start Clear [Box(8, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:25:56 Walk to center point = X: 507.5, Y: 570, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:07 Looting Console_PowerGlobe-4372 2016-01-23 03:26:10 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-4500 2016-01-23 03:26:13 pos after walk to center point = X: 517.0006, Y: 570, Z: 0.08808517 2016-01-23 03:26:13 [Box(8, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:13 [Box(8, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:13 Start Clear [Box(8, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:26:13 Walk to center point = X: 507.5, Y: 627.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:19 Looting Console_PowerGlobe-4710 2016-01-23 03:26:21 Stuck when attacking TriuneSummoner_D-4734 6039!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:26:22 1st time pathList.Count = 0, destination = X: 404.1772, Y: 603.528, Z: 1.467046 2016-01-23 03:26:22 Nearest not allowed 2016-01-23 03:26:24 Stuck when attacking FallenChampion_D-4752 4073!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.9249142 2016-01-23 03:26:25 Stuck when attacking FallenChampion_D-4752 4073!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.6978561 2016-01-23 03:26:29 Stuck when attacking SkeletonArcher_C-4955 5348!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.9310614 2016-01-23 03:26:42 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:26:43 pos after walk to center point = X: 504.1701, Y: 622.0055, Z: 0.2705345 2016-01-23 03:26:43 [Box(8, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:43 [Box(8, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:43 Start Clear [Box(7, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:26:43 Walk to center point = X: 445, Y: 625, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:43 pos after walk to center point = X: 445, Y: 625, Z: 0.4844933 2016-01-23 03:26:43 [Box(7, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:43 [Box(7, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:43 Start Clear [Box(6, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:26:43 Walk to center point = X: 395, Y: 635, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:47 pos after walk to center point = X: 402.5, Y: 637.5, Z: 0.1587048 2016-01-23 03:26:47 [Box(6, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:47 [Box(6, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:47 Start Clear [Box(6, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:26:47 Walk to center point = X: 387.5, Y: 687.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:57 pos after walk to center point = X: 392.5, Y: 678.9958, Z: 0.4073315 2016-01-23 03:26:57 [Box(6, 11)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:57 [Box(6, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:57 Start Clear [Box(5, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:26:57 Walk to center point = X: 347.5, Y: 690, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:57 pos after walk to center point = X: 357.5314, Y: 687.547, Z: 0.09239769 2016-01-23 03:26:57 [Box(5, 11)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:57 [Box(5, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:57 Start Clear [Box(5, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:26:57 Walk to center point = X: 345, Y: 735, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:58 pos after walk to center point = X: 345, Y: 735, Z: 0.09852791 2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(5, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(5, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 Start Clear [Box(6, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:26:58 Walk to center point = X: 372.5, Y: 732.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:58 pos after walk to center point = X: 372.5, Y: 732.5, Z: 0.09893799 2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(6, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(6, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(6, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 Cleared [Box(6, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(5, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 Cleared [Box(5, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(5, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 Cleared [Box(5, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(6, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(6, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 Cleared [Box(6, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(6, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 [Box(6, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:58 Start Clear [Box(6, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:26:58 Walk to center point = X: 387.5, Y: 567.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:59 pos after walk to center point = X: 392.2128, Y: 570.3281, Z: 0.3694973 2016-01-23 03:26:59 [Box(6, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:59 [Box(6, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:26:59 Start Clear [Box(5, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:26:59 Walk to center point = X: 347.5, Y: 552.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:26:59 pos after walk to center point = X: 356.5555, Y: 553.0031, Z: 0.2921638 2016-01-23 03:26:59 [Box(5, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:26:59 [Box(5, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:00 [Box(5, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:00 Start Clear [Box(5, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:27:00 Walk to center point = X: 345, Y: 492.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:01 Stuck when attacking TriuneSummoner_D-5434 6039!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Target portal found - g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange-5435 176001 2016-01-23 03:27:04 End explore because of end explore exception, instant stop explore 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Executing If, not IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 34) 2016-01-23 03:27:04 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 16) 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 16) 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) 2016-01-23 03:27:04 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Executing If, PortalForRiftsExists(80) 2016-01-23 03:27:04 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Executing Then 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Executing SetValue, UsedPortal, 1 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Executing 传送门 2016-01-23 03:27:04 Use Portal 176001 2016-01-23 03:27:06 Executing While, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) and not Me.IsInTown and GetValue.GoBack != 1 2016-01-23 03:27:06 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:27:06 Executing If, GetValue.UsedPortal == 1 and not LastUsePortalResult 2016-01-23 03:27:06 Executing 探索全区域, 60, 0.03 2016-01-23 03:27:07 Explore starting Pos = X: 769.7949, Y: 201.645, Z: 0.4710056 2016-01-23 03:27:07 Start Clear [Box(12, 3)] 2016-01-23 03:27:07 Walk to center point = X: 752.5, Y: 207.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:07 pos after walk to center point = X: 758.4323, Y: 205.4917, Z: 0.1677405 2016-01-23 03:27:07 [Box(12, 3)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:27:07 [Box(12, 3)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:07 Start Clear [Box(12, 4)] 2016-01-23 03:27:07 Walk to center point = X: 752.5, Y: 275, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:08 pos after walk to center point = X: 752.5, Y: 275, Z: 3.46452E-07 2016-01-23 03:27:08 [Box(12, 4)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:27:08 [Box(12, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:08 Start Clear [Box(11, 4)] 2016-01-23 03:27:08 Walk to center point = X: 682.5, Y: 277.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:25 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-6035 2016-01-23 03:27:25 pos after walk to center point = X: 674.3792, Y: 276.4849, Z: -0.06899727 2016-01-23 03:27:25 [Box(11, 4)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:27:25 [Box(11, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:25 Start Clear [Box(10, 4)] 2016-01-23 03:27:25 Walk to center point = X: 632.5, Y: 275, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:25 pos after walk to center point = X: 638.418, Y: 275.2098, Z: 0.4043366 2016-01-23 03:27:25 [Box(10, 4)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:27:25 [Box(10, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:25 Start Clear [Box(9, 4)] 2016-01-23 03:27:25 Walk to center point = X: 562.5, Y: 277.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:26 pos after walk to center point = X: 562.5, Y: 277.5, Z: 1.251698E-06 2016-01-23 03:27:26 [Box(9, 4)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:27:26 [Box(9, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:26 Start Clear [Box(9, 5)] 2016-01-23 03:27:26 Walk to center point = X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:26 Cannot pick center point 2016-01-23 03:27:26 [Box(9, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:26 Cleared [Box(9, 4)] 2016-01-23 03:27:26 [Box(10, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:26 Start Clear [Box(10, 5)] 2016-01-23 03:27:26 Walk to center point = X: 635, Y: 325, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:26 pos after walk to center point = X: 635, Y: 317, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:26 [Box(10, 5)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:27:26 [Box(10, 5)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:26 Start Clear [Box(10, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:27:26 Walk to center point = X: 637.5, Y: 387.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:28 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:27:28 pos after walk to center point = X: 645, Y: 379.4658, Z: -1.324417 2016-01-23 03:27:28 [Box(10, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:27:28 [Box(10, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:28 Start Clear [Box(10, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:27:28 Walk to center point = X: 630, Y: 447.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:39 Stuck when attacking skeleton_twoHander_B-6352 434!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:27:46 pos after walk to center point = X: 640.5449, Y: 441.9863, Z: -0.5663456 2016-01-23 03:27:46 [Box(10, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:27:46 [Box(10, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:27:46 Start Clear [Box(10, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:27:46 Walk to center point = X: 622.5, Y: 517.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:27:53 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:28:08 cannot move to monster position - FallenChampion_B-7070 4071 2016-01-23 03:28:08 cannot move to monster position - FallenChampion_B-7070 4071 2016-01-23 03:28:08 cannot move to monster position - FallenChampion_B-7070 4071 2016-01-23 03:28:08 cannot move to monster position - FallenChampion_B-7070 4071 2016-01-23 03:28:08 cannot move to monster position - FallenChampion_B-7070 4071 2016-01-23 03:28:08 cannot move to monster position - FallenChampion_B-7070 4071 2016-01-23 03:28:08 skipping monster FallenChampion_B-7070 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:28:13 pos after walk to center point = X: 628.4679, Y: 515.7949, Z: 9.536743E-07 2016-01-23 03:28:13 [Box(10, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:13 [Box(10, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:13 Start Clear [Box(9, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:28:13 Walk to center point = X: 562.5, Y: 517.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:13 pos after walk to center point = X: 562.5, Y: 522.5, Z: -1.481819 2016-01-23 03:28:13 [Box(9, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:13 [Box(9, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:14 Start Clear [Box(9, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:28:14 Walk to center point = X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:14 Cannot pick center point 2016-01-23 03:28:14 [Box(9, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:14 Cleared [Box(9, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:28:14 [Box(10, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:14 Start Clear [Box(10, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:28:14 Walk to center point = X: 637.5, Y: 562.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:14 pos after walk to center point = X: 636.4878, Y: 554.4022, Z: 4.768372E-07 2016-01-23 03:28:14 [Box(10, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:14 [Box(10, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:14 Start Clear [Box(10, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:28:14 Walk to center point = X: 622.5, Y: 637.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:16 Stuck when attacking fastMummy_C-7231 4106!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:28:17 Stuck when attacking fastMummy_C-7231 4106!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:28:22 pos after walk to center point = X: 620, Y: 637.5, Z: 1.251698E-06 2016-01-23 03:28:22 [Box(10, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:22 [Box(10, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:22 Start Clear [Box(9, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:28:22 Walk to center point = X: 562.5, Y: 637.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:24 Looting Console_PowerGlobe-7475 2016-01-23 03:28:30 pos after walk to center point = X: 567.2294, Y: 640.1675, Z: -1.0926 2016-01-23 03:28:30 [Box(9, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:30 [Box(9, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:30 Start Clear [Box(8, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:28:30 Walk to center point = X: 517.5, Y: 645, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:31 pos after walk to center point = X: 517.5, Y: 645, Z: 0.08512354 2016-01-23 03:28:31 [Box(8, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:31 [Box(8, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:31 Start Clear [Box(8, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:28:31 Walk to center point = X: 517.5, Y: 682.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:31 pos after walk to center point = X: 517.5, Y: 682.5, Z: 2.756715E-07 2016-01-23 03:28:31 [Box(8, 11)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:31 [Box(8, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:31 Start Clear [Box(8, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:28:31 Walk to center point = X: 502.5, Y: 757.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:31 pos after walk to center point = X: 513.0053, Y: 755, Z: 9.536743E-07 2016-01-23 03:28:31 [Box(8, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:31 [Box(8, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:31 Start Clear [Box(7, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:28:31 Walk to center point = X: 442.5, Y: 757.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:46 pos after walk to center point = X: 450.5399, Y: 765, Z: -1.296592 2016-01-23 03:28:46 [Box(7, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:46 [Box(7, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:46 Start Clear [Box(7, 13)] 2016-01-23 03:28:46 Walk to center point = X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:46 Cannot pick center point 2016-01-23 03:28:46 [Box(7, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:46 Cleared [Box(7, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:28:46 [Box(8, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:46 Start Clear [Box(8, 13)] 2016-01-23 03:28:46 Walk to center point = X: 517.5, Y: 802.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:46 pos after walk to center point = X: 517.5, Y: 797.5, Z: 1.430511E-06 2016-01-23 03:28:46 [Box(8, 13)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:46 [Box(8, 13)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:46 Start Clear [Box(8, 14)] 2016-01-23 03:28:46 Walk to center point = X: 512.5, Y: 875, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:47 pos after walk to center point = X: 515, Y: 864.9998, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:47 [Box(8, 14)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:28:47 [Box(8, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:28:47 Start Clear [Box(7, 14)] 2016-01-23 03:28:47 Walk to center point = X: 442.5, Y: 877.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:28:54 Stuck when attacking fastMummy_C-8071 4106!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:29:17 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:29:21 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-8856 2016-01-23 03:29:22 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-8855 2016-01-23 03:29:29 Stuck when attacking Skeleton_D_Fire-8942 169456!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:29:33 Stuck when attacking Skeleton_D_Fire-8948 169456!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.8432704 2016-01-23 03:29:34 Stuck when attacking Skeleton_D_Fire-8948 169456!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.9782332 2016-01-23 03:29:37 pos after walk to center point = X: 442.5, Y: 880, Z: -1.250284 2016-01-23 03:29:37 [Box(7, 14)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:37 [Box(7, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:37 Start Clear [Box(6, 14)] 2016-01-23 03:29:37 Walk to center point = X: 397.5, Y: 885, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:37 pos after walk to center point = X: 406.7713, Y: 883.9698, Z: -0.6368743 2016-01-23 03:29:37 [Box(6, 14)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:37 [Box(6, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:37 Start Clear [Box(6, 15)] 2016-01-23 03:29:37 Walk to center point = X: 397.5, Y: 922.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:37 pos after walk to center point = X: 407.5, Y: 920, Z: -0.9926616 2016-01-23 03:29:37 [Box(6, 15)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:37 [Box(6, 15)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:37 Start Clear [Box(6, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:29:37 Walk to center point = X: 392.5, Y: 995, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:38 pos after walk to center point = X: 392.5, Y: 995, Z: 3.46452E-07 2016-01-23 03:29:38 [Box(6, 16)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:38 [Box(6, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:38 Start Clear [Box(5, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:29:38 Walk to center point = X: 322.5, Y: 997.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:38 pos after walk to center point = X: 325, Y: 1000, Z: 0.09035269 2016-01-23 03:29:38 [Box(5, 16)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:38 [Box(5, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:38 Start Clear [Box(4, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:29:38 Walk to center point = X: 262.5, Y: 997.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:39 pos after walk to center point = X: 262.5, Y: 997.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:39 [Box(4, 16)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:39 [Box(4, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:39 Start Clear [Box(3, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:29:39 Walk to center point = X: 202.5, Y: 997.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:39 pos after walk to center point = X: 202.5, Y: 997.5, Z: 1.40816E-06 2016-01-23 03:29:39 [Box(3, 16)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:39 [Box(3, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:39 Start Clear [Box(2, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:29:39 Walk to center point = X: 157.5, Y: 987.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:41 Stuck when attacking skeleton_twoHander_B-9204 434!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:29:42 Stuck when attacking fastMummy_C-9215 4106!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:29:43 Target portal found - g_portal_Ladder_Short_Blue-9269 185364 2016-01-23 03:29:46 End explore because of end explore exception, instant stop explore 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Executing If, not IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 34) 2016-01-23 03:29:46 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 16) 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 16) 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) 2016-01-23 03:29:46 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Executing If, PortalForRiftsExists(80) 2016-01-23 03:29:46 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Executing Then 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Executing SetValue, UsedPortal, 1 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Executing 传送门 2016-01-23 03:29:46 Use Portal 185364 2016-01-23 03:29:49 Executing While, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) and not Me.IsInTown and GetValue.GoBack != 1 2016-01-23 03:29:49 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:29:49 Executing If, GetValue.UsedPortal == 1 and not LastUsePortalResult 2016-01-23 03:29:49 Executing 探索全区域, 60, 0.03 2016-01-23 03:29:49 Explore starting Pos = X: 539.1821, Y: 385.0111, Z: 10.1 2016-01-23 03:29:49 Start Clear [Box(8, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:29:49 Walk to center point = X: 515, Y: 395, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:49 pos after walk to center point = X: 515, Y: 395, Z: 10 2016-01-23 03:29:49 [Box(8, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:49 [Box(8, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:49 Start Clear [Box(8, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:29:49 Walk to center point = X: 525, Y: 435, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:50 pos after walk to center point = X: 527.5, Y: 432.5, Z: 9.500007 2016-01-23 03:29:50 [Box(8, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:50 [Box(8, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:50 Start Clear [Box(8, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:29:50 Walk to center point = X: 515, Y: 505, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:50 pos after walk to center point = X: 525, Y: 505, Z: 1.304512E-14 2016-01-23 03:29:50 [Box(8, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:50 [Box(8, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:50 Start Clear [Box(8, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:29:50 Walk to center point = X: 530, Y: 550, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:51 Stuck when attacking Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-9431 4747!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:29:59 pos after walk to center point = X: 525, Y: 542.5, Z: 1.637579E-14 2016-01-23 03:29:59 [Box(8, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:29:59 [Box(8, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:29:59 Start Clear [Box(9, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:29:59 Walk to center point = X: 567.5, Y: 567.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:29:59 cannot move to monster position - Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-9595 4747 2016-01-23 03:29:59 cannot move to monster position - Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-9595 4747 2016-01-23 03:29:59 cannot move to monster position - Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-9595 4747 2016-01-23 03:30:04 pos after walk to center point = X: 567.5, Y: 567.5, Z: 6.938896E-15 2016-01-23 03:30:04 [Box(9, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:30:04 [Box(9, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:30:04 [Box(9, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:30:04 Start Clear [Box(9, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:30:04 Walk to center point = X: 567.5, Y: 627.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:30:05 Stuck when attacking skeletonMage_Fire_B-9684 5372!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:30:07 Stuck when attacking Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-9702 4747!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:30:19 cannot move to monster position - Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-9917 4747 2016-01-23 03:30:27 pos after walk to center point = X: 566.6971, Y: 633.1206, Z: 6.383786E-15 2016-01-23 03:30:27 [Box(9, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:30:27 [Box(9, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:30:27 Start Clear [Box(8, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:30:27 Walk to center point = X: 507.5, Y: 647.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:30:27 pos after walk to center point = X: 517, Y: 647.5, Z: 1.915135E-14 2016-01-23 03:30:27 [Box(8, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:30:27 [Box(8, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:30:27 Start Clear [Box(8, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:30:27 Walk to center point = X: 525, Y: 675, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:30:27 pos after walk to center point = X: 517.5, Y: 672.5, Z: 1.915135E-14 2016-01-23 03:30:27 [Box(8, 11)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:30:27 [Box(8, 11)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:30:27 Start Clear [Box(8, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:30:27 Walk to center point = X: 515, Y: 755, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:30:33 Stuck when attacking demonTrooper_A-10267 77796!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:30:35 Stuck when attacking demonTrooper_A-10267 77796!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:30:39 cannot move to monster position - Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-10527 4747 2016-01-23 03:30:39 cannot move to monster position - Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-10527 4747 2016-01-23 03:30:39 cannot move to monster position - Monstrosity_Scorpion_B-10527 4747 2016-01-23 03:30:41 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:30:50 Stuck when attacking p1_LR_Ghost_A-10883 418911!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:31:02 Stuck when attacking ZombieSkinny_C-11177 6647!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:31:03 Looting Console_PowerGlobe-11240 2016-01-23 03:31:04 Target portal found - g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-11358 176002 2016-01-23 03:31:11 End explore because of end explore exception, instant stop explore 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Executing If, not IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 34) 2016-01-23 03:31:11 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 16) 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 16) 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) 2016-01-23 03:31:11 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Executing If, PortalForRiftsExists(80) 2016-01-23 03:31:11 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Executing Then 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Executing SetValue, UsedPortal, 1 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Executing 传送门 2016-01-23 03:31:11 Use Portal 176002 2016-01-23 03:31:13 Executing While, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) and not Me.IsInTown and GetValue.GoBack != 1 2016-01-23 03:31:13 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:31:13 Executing If, GetValue.UsedPortal == 1 and not LastUsePortalResult 2016-01-23 03:31:13 Executing 探索全区域, 60, 0.03 2016-01-23 03:31:14 Explore starting Pos = X: 410.9743, Y: 143.136, Z: 7.95146 2016-01-23 03:31:14 Start Clear [Box(6, 2)] 2016-01-23 03:31:14 Walk to center point = X: 382.5, Y: 157.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:21 pos after walk to center point = X: 385, Y: 160, Z: -1.084511 2016-01-23 03:31:21 [Box(6, 2)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:31:21 [Box(6, 2)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:21 Start Clear [Box(6, 3)] 2016-01-23 03:31:21 Walk to center point = X: 397.5, Y: 202.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:21 pos after walk to center point = X: 396.4883, Y: 194.4068, Z: -0.8012261 2016-01-23 03:31:21 [Box(6, 3)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:31:21 [Box(6, 3)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:21 Start Clear [Box(6, 4)] 2016-01-23 03:31:21 Walk to center point = X: 397.5, Y: 275, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:22 pos after walk to center point = X: 402.5, Y: 272.5, Z: -0.5076085 2016-01-23 03:31:22 [Box(6, 4)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:31:22 [Box(6, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:22 Start Clear [Box(6, 5)] 2016-01-23 03:31:22 Walk to center point = X: 407.5, Y: 312.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:26 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_F-11660 179343 2016-01-23 03:31:26 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_F-11660 179343 2016-01-23 03:31:26 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_F-11660 179343 2016-01-23 03:31:26 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_F-11660 179343 2016-01-23 03:31:26 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_F-11660 179343 2016-01-23 03:31:26 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_F-11660 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:31:27 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_F-11660 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:31:27 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_F-11660 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:31:28 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-11662 5346 2016-01-23 03:31:30 pos after walk to center point = X: 412.5, Y: 304.9431, Z: -0.9993789 2016-01-23 03:31:30 [Box(6, 5)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:31:30 [Box(6, 5)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:30 Start Clear [Box(7, 5)] 2016-01-23 03:31:30 Walk to center point = X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:30 Cannot pick center point 2016-01-23 03:31:30 [Box(6, 5)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:31 Cleared [Box(6, 5)] 2016-01-23 03:31:31 [Box(6, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:31 Start Clear [Box(7, 4)] 2016-01-23 03:31:31 Walk to center point = X: 442.5, Y: 277.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:31 pos after walk to center point = X: 436.3882, Y: 278.0093, Z: 0.2747779 2016-01-23 03:31:31 [Box(7, 4)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:31:31 [Box(7, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:31 [Box(7, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:31 Start Clear [Box(8, 4)] 2016-01-23 03:31:31 Walk to center point = X: 500, Y: 280, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:31 pos after walk to center point = X: 500, Y: 280, Z: -1.140757 2016-01-23 03:31:31 [Box(8, 4)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:31:31 [Box(8, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:31 [Box(8, 4)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:31 Start Clear [Box(8, 5)] 2016-01-23 03:31:31 Walk to center point = X: 515, Y: 325, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:43 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-11913 5346 2016-01-23 03:31:49 1st time pathList.Count = 0, destination = X: 548.7902, Y: 292.7526, Z: -1.167046 2016-01-23 03:31:49 Nearest not allowed 2016-01-23 03:31:49 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-11986 2016-01-23 03:31:52 Looting Console_PowerGlobe-12152 2016-01-23 03:31:52 pos after walk to center point = X: 515, Y: 325, Z: -0.8057468 2016-01-23 03:31:52 [Box(8, 5)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:31:52 [Box(8, 5)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:31:52 Start Clear [Box(8, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:31:52 Walk to center point = X: 502.5, Y: 397.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:31:54 Stuck when attacking Scavenger_A-12191 5235!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:31:59 Stuck when attacking p1_LR_Ghost_A-12204 418911!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:32:05 pos after walk to center point = X: 493.1071, Y: 402.4375, Z: -1.195856 2016-01-23 03:32:05 [Box(8, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:05 [Box(8, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:05 Start Clear [Box(7, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:32:05 Walk to center point = X: 440, Y: 400, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:06 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12274 434 2016-01-23 03:32:18 pos after walk to center point = X: 440, Y: 400, Z: -1.230628 2016-01-23 03:32:18 [Box(7, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:18 [Box(7, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:18 Start Clear [Box(6, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:32:18 Walk to center point = X: 380, Y: 400, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:18 pos after walk to center point = X: 380, Y: 400, Z: -1.211413 2016-01-23 03:32:18 [Box(6, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:18 [Box(6, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:18 Start Clear [Box(5, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:32:18 Walk to center point = X: 320, Y: 400, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:30 pos after walk to center point = X: 325.5018, Y: 405, Z: -1.084766 2016-01-23 03:32:30 [Box(5, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:30 [Box(5, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:31 Start Clear [Box(4, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:32:31 Walk to center point = X: 260, Y: 400, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:33 pos after walk to center point = X: 260.3008, Y: 403.7159, Z: -1.140757 2016-01-23 03:32:33 [Box(4, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:33 [Box(4, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:33 Start Clear [Box(3, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:32:33 Walk to center point = X: 205, Y: 400, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:34 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12694 434 2016-01-23 03:32:34 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12694 434 2016-01-23 03:32:34 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12694 434 2016-01-23 03:32:35 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12694 434 2016-01-23 03:32:35 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12694 434 2016-01-23 03:32:35 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12694 434 2016-01-23 03:32:36 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12694 434 2016-01-23 03:32:37 pos after walk to center point = X: 205, Y: 400, Z: -0.9562908 2016-01-23 03:32:37 [Box(3, 6)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:37 [Box(3, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:37 Cleared [Box(3, 6)] 2016-01-23 03:32:37 [Box(4, 6)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:38 Start Clear [Box(4, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:32:38 Walk to center point = X: 275, Y: 445, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:38 pos after walk to center point = X: 273.2893, Y: 439.0125, Z: -0.8057468 2016-01-23 03:32:38 [Box(4, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:38 [Box(4, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:38 Start Clear [Box(4, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:32:38 Walk to center point = X: 280, Y: 515, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:39 pos after walk to center point = X: 282.5, Y: 512.5, Z: -1.048023 2016-01-23 03:32:39 [Box(4, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:39 [Box(4, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:39 Start Clear [Box(4, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:32:39 Walk to center point = X: 272.5, Y: 575, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:51 cannot move to monster position - skeleton_twoHander_B-12773 434 2016-01-23 03:32:51 Stuck when attacking skeleton_twoHander_B-12773 434!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:32:56 pos after walk to center point = X: 280, Y: 575, Z: -1.195856 2016-01-23 03:32:56 [Box(4, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:56 [Box(4, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:56 Start Clear [Box(4, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:32:56 Walk to center point = X: 280, Y: 632.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:56 pos after walk to center point = X: 280, Y: 622.9749, Z: -0.9281158 2016-01-23 03:32:56 [Box(4, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:56 [Box(4, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:57 Cleared [Box(4, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:32:57 [Box(4, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:57 Start Clear [Box(5, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:32:57 Walk to center point = X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:57 Cannot pick center point 2016-01-23 03:32:57 [Box(4, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:57 Cleared [Box(4, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:32:57 [Box(4, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:57 Start Clear [Box(5, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:32:57 Walk to center point = X: 322.5, Y: 517.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:32:58 pos after walk to center point = X: 315.1028, Y: 519.156, Z: -0.05900551 2016-01-23 03:32:58 [Box(5, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:32:58 [Box(5, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:58 [Box(5, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:32:58 Start Clear [Box(6, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:32:58 Walk to center point = X: 380, Y: 520, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:33:00 cannot move to monster position - Scavenger_A-12946 5235 2016-01-23 03:33:00 Stuck when attacking Scavenger_A-12946 5235!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:33:02 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:33:03 cannot move to monster position - Scavenger_A-12946 5235 2016-01-23 03:33:03 cannot move to monster position - Scavenger_A-12946 5235 2016-01-23 03:33:03 cannot move to monster position - Scavenger_A-12946 5235 2016-01-23 03:33:09 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-13060 2016-01-23 03:33:09 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-13062 2016-01-23 03:33:10 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-13061 2016-01-23 03:33:18 Looting x1_Amethyst_06-13229 2016-01-23 03:33:19 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:21 Looting x1_Amethyst_06-13225 2016-01-23 03:33:21 Looting x1_Topaz_06-13232 2016-01-23 03:33:21 Looting x1_Amethyst_06-13224 2016-01-23 03:33:21 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13252 2016-01-23 03:33:22 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:22 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13256 2016-01-23 03:33:22 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13257 2016-01-23 03:33:23 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:23 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13250 2016-01-23 03:33:23 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13255 2016-01-23 03:33:23 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13238 2016-01-23 03:33:23 Looting Amulet_norm_base_flippy-13298 2016-01-23 03:33:25 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:25 Pick up LEGENDARY The Flavor of Time 2016-01-23 03:33:25 Looting JewelBox_Flippy-13297 2016-01-23 03:33:26 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:27 Pick up LEGENDARY Relic of Akarat 2016-01-23 03:33:27 Looting Ring_flippy-13300 2016-01-23 03:33:28 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:28 Pick up LEGENDARY Justice Lantern 2016-01-23 03:33:28 Looting chestArmor_norm_base_flippy-13299 2016-01-23 03:33:29 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:29 Pick up LEGENDARY Zunimassa's Marrow 2016-01-23 03:33:29 Looting Bracers_norm_base_01-13303 2016-01-23 03:33:30 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:31 Pick up LEGENDARY Krelm's Buff Bracers 2016-01-23 03:33:31 Looting Gloves_norm_base_flippy-13302 2016-01-23 03:33:32 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:32 Looting x1_Staff_norm_base_02-13304 2016-01-23 03:33:33 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:33 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13247 2016-01-23 03:33:33 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13283 2016-01-23 03:33:33 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13244 2016-01-23 03:33:33 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13254 2016-01-23 03:33:33 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13259 2016-01-23 03:33:33 Looting Bracers_norm_base_01-13316 2016-01-23 03:33:34 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:34 Looting CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global-13324 2016-01-23 03:33:35 move a bit when loot 2016-01-23 03:33:36 End explore because of end explore exception, instant stop explore 2016-01-23 03:33:36 Executing If, not IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 34) 2016-01-23 03:33:36 Executing While, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) and not Me.IsInTown and GetValue.GoBack != 1 2016-01-23 03:33:36 Executing If, GetValue.GoBack == 1 2016-01-23 03:33:36 Executing 等待, 1500, False 2016-01-23 03:33:37 Executing 等待, 1500, False 2016-01-23 03:33:39 Executing 等待, 1500, False 2016-01-23 03:33:40 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:33:40 Executing If, not IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 34) 2016-01-23 03:33:40 Executing LogMessage, choose two options for greater rifts here 2016-01-23 03:33:40 choose two options for greater rifts here 2016-01-23 03:33:40 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 34) 2016-01-23 03:33:40 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:33:40 Executing GetGreaterRiftsRewards 2016-01-23 03:33:42 Upgrade Gem 2016-01-23 03:33:43 Upgrade Gem 1 Zei's Stone of Vengeance 2016-01-23 03:33:49 Upgrade Gem 2 Zei's Stone of Vengeance 2016-01-23 03:33:55 Upgrade Gem 3 Zei's Stone of Vengeance 2016-01-23 03:34:01 Upgrade Gem 4 Zei's Stone of Vengeance 2016-01-23 03:34:07 Executing While, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 34), 15 2016-01-23 03:34:07 Executing 等待, 500 2016-01-23 03:34:07 checkStuck 75 2016-01-23 03:34:08 Executing 回城 2016-01-23 03:34:08 UseTownPortal tryAgainTimes = 0 2016-01-23 03:34:08 Use Town Portal 2016-01-23 03:34:21 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 10) 2016-01-23 03:34:21 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:34:21 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 172909 2016-01-23 03:34:21 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:34:21 Executing 移到, 445.9769, 393.6685 2016-01-23 03:34:22 Executing 移到, 445.9769, 393.6685 2016-01-23 03:34:22 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 161472 2016-01-23 03:34:22 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 332336 2016-01-23 03:34:22 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 304235 2016-01-23 03:34:22 Executing 等待, 500, False 2016-01-23 03:34:22 Executing 谈话, 363744, False 2016-01-23 03:34:24 Executing CloseGRRewards 2016-01-23 03:34:25 Executing 离开游戏 2016-01-23 03:34:25 ping just before leave game = 161 2016-01-23 03:34:25 Leave Game 2016-01-23 03:34:31 Waiting for 1s before after leaving game 2016-01-23 03:34:34 Prepare to call start game function 2016-01-23 03:34:50 start game is successful 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing Order 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing GoGetKeystones, True 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing If, GreaterRiftsLevel == -1 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing Else 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing Params, Grifts, true 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing If, GreaterRiftsLevel == 0 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing Else 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 172909 2016-01-23 03:34:51 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:34:51 Executing 移到, 445.9769, 393.6685 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing 移到, 445.9769, 393.6685 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 161472 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 332336 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing If, CurrentWorldId == 304235 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing If, not ActorExistsAt(364715, Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y, Me.Position.Z, 80) 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing Params, WillSpeed, false 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing Params, RiftsEndStep, 34 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing Params, RiftsBossAppearedStep, 16 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Executing UseRiftsTower, 364715, True 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Unreasonably stopped!!! 2016-01-23 03:34:52 Unreasonably stopped!!! 2016-01-23 03:35:03 Executing Params, WillSpeed, true 2016-01-23 03:35:03 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:35:03 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:35:03 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:35:03 Executing If, Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:35:03 Executing 等待, 1000, False 2016-01-23 03:35:04 Executing WorldChange 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Executing If, not Me.IsInTown 2016-01-23 03:35:05 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Executing While, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) and not Me.IsInTown and GetValue.GoBack != 1 2016-01-23 03:35:05 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Executing If, GetValue.UsedPortal == 1 and not LastUsePortalResult 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Executing 探索全区域, 60, 0.03 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Explore starting Pos = X: 280.5, Y: 620, Z: 1.618201 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Start Clear [Box(4, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Walk to center point = X: 267.5, Y: 627.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:05 pos after walk to center point = X: 267.5, Y: 627.5, Z: 0.1203835 2016-01-23 03:35:05 [Box(4, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:05 [Box(4, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:05 Start Clear [Box(3, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Walk to center point = X: 225, Y: 615, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:05 pos after walk to center point = X: 225, Y: 615, Z: 1.510794 2016-01-23 03:35:05 [Box(3, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:05 [Box(3, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:05 [Box(3, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:05 Start Clear [Box(3, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:35:05 Walk to center point = X: 225, Y: 555, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:06 pos after walk to center point = X: 232.5, Y: 557.5, Z: -2.99901 2016-01-23 03:35:06 [Box(3, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:06 [Box(3, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:06 [Box(3, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:06 Start Clear [Box(4, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:35:06 Walk to center point = X: 285, Y: 575, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:15 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:35:16 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-1005 2016-01-23 03:35:16 Pick up LEGENDARY 2016-01-23 03:35:17 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:35:18 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:35:19 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonSummoner_A-1072 5387 2016-01-23 03:35:19 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonSummoner_A-1072 5387 2016-01-23 03:35:19 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonSummoner_A-1072 5387 2016-01-23 03:35:19 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonSummoner_A-1072 5387 2016-01-23 03:35:19 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonSummoner_A-1072 5387 2016-01-23 03:35:19 skipping monster SkeletonSummoner_A-1072 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:35:34 pos after walk to center point = X: 280, Y: 585, Z: 0.0496766 2016-01-23 03:35:34 [Box(4, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:34 [Box(4, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:34 [Box(4, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:34 [Box(4, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:34 Start Clear [Box(5, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:35:34 Walk to center point = X: 312.5, Y: 575, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:34 pos after walk to center point = X: 303.9171, Y: 583.0069, Z: 1.490116E-08 2016-01-23 03:35:34 [Box(5, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:34 [Box(5, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:34 [Box(5, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:34 Start Clear [Box(5, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:35:34 Walk to center point = X: 320, Y: 620, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:35 pos after walk to center point = X: 314.6592, Y: 619.2064, Z: 0.3067357 2016-01-23 03:35:35 [Box(5, 10)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:35 [Box(5, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:35 [Box(5, 10)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:35 Cleared [Box(5, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:35:35 [Box(5, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:35 Start Clear [Box(5, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:35:35 Walk to center point = X: 320, Y: 517.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:36 pos after walk to center point = X: 309.2625, Y: 517.8579, Z: -22.1474 2016-01-23 03:35:36 [Box(5, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:36 [Box(5, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:36 Start Clear [Box(4, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:35:36 Walk to center point = X: 262.5, Y: 517.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:36 pos after walk to center point = X: 262.5, Y: 517.5, Z: -13.67116 2016-01-23 03:35:36 [Box(4, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:36 [Box(4, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:36 Start Clear [Box(3, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:35:36 Walk to center point = X: 207.5, Y: 502.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:37 pos after walk to center point = X: 212.5, Y: 505, Z: -12.5 2016-01-23 03:35:37 [Box(3, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:37 [Box(3, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:37 [Box(3, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:37 [Box(3, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:37 Start Clear [Box(3, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:35:37 Walk to center point = X: 207.5, Y: 455, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:37 pos after walk to center point = X: 207.5, Y: 455, Z: -12.5 2016-01-23 03:35:37 [Box(3, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:37 [Box(3, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:37 [Box(3, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:37 Start Clear [Box(4, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:35:37 Walk to center point = X: 267.5, Y: 447.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:38 pos after walk to center point = X: 265, Y: 452.5, Z: -12.09478 2016-01-23 03:35:38 [Box(4, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:38 [Box(4, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:38 [Box(4, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:38 [Box(4, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:38 Start Clear [Box(5, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:35:38 Walk to center point = X: 315, Y: 465, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:38 pos after walk to center point = X: 315, Y: 465, Z: -12.5 2016-01-23 03:35:38 [Box(5, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:38 [Box(5, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:38 [Box(5, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:38 [Box(5, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:38 Start Clear [Box(6, 7)] 2016-01-23 03:35:38 Walk to center point = X: 387.5, Y: 447.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:52 pos after walk to center point = X: 385, Y: 452.5, Z: 0.01601295 2016-01-23 03:35:52 [Box(6, 7)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:35:52 [Box(6, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:52 [Box(6, 7)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:35:52 Start Clear [Box(6, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:35:52 Walk to center point = X: 387.5, Y: 507.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:35:53 Stuck when attacking Shield_Skeleton_A-1579 5275!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:35:55 Stuck when attacking Shield_Skeleton_A-1579 5275!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.7471766 2016-01-23 03:35:55 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:36:22 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:36:23 Stuck when attacking Skeleton_A-2528 5393!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:36:43 Stuck when attacking Skeleton_A-3071 5393!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:36:54 pos after walk to center point = X: 389.196, Y: 499.3718, Z: -0.6339373 2016-01-23 03:36:54 [Box(6, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:36:54 [Box(6, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:54 [Box(6, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:54 Start Clear [Box(7, 8)] 2016-01-23 03:36:54 Walk to center point = X: 465, Y: 495, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:36:54 pos after walk to center point = X: 465, Y: 487.5, Z: 0.1065228 2016-01-23 03:36:54 [Box(7, 8)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:36:54 [Box(7, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:54 [Box(7, 8)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:54 Start Clear [Box(7, 9)] 2016-01-23 03:36:54 Walk to center point = X: 447.5, Y: 567.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:36:55 pos after walk to center point = X: 457.5, Y: 565, Z: 7.450581E-09 2016-01-23 03:36:55 [Box(7, 9)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:36:55 [Box(7, 9)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:55 Start Clear [Box(7, 10)] 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Walk to center point = X: 447.5, Y: 627.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Target portal found - g_Portal_Circle_Orange-3429 175501 2016-01-23 03:36:55 End explore because of end explore exception, instant stop explore 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Executing If, not IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 34) 2016-01-23 03:36:55 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 16) 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 16) 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Executing If, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) 2016-01-23 03:36:55 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Executing If, PortalForRiftsExists(80) 2016-01-23 03:36:55 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Executing Then 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Executing SetValue, UsedPortal, 1 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Executing 传送门 2016-01-23 03:36:55 Use Portal 175501 2016-01-23 03:36:57 Executing While, IsActiveQuestStep(337492, 13) and not Me.IsInTown and GetValue.GoBack != 1 2016-01-23 03:36:57 IfCondition = True 2016-01-23 03:36:57 Executing If, GetValue.UsedPortal == 1 and not LastUsePortalResult 2016-01-23 03:36:57 Executing 探索全区域, 60, 0.03 2016-01-23 03:36:58 Explore starting Pos = X: 408.2727, Y: 1098.724, Z: -1.860738 2016-01-23 03:36:58 Start Clear [Box(6, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:36:58 Walk to center point = X: 387.5, Y: 1107.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:36:58 pos after walk to center point = X: 397.2561, Y: 1103.378, Z: -1.765308 2016-01-23 03:36:58 [Box(6, 18)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:36:58 [Box(6, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:58 Start Clear [Box(7, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:36:58 Walk to center point = X: 440, Y: 1112.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:36:58 pos after walk to center point = X: 432.4122, Y: 1110.881, Z: -1.235851 2016-01-23 03:36:58 [Box(7, 18)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:36:58 [Box(7, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:58 [Box(7, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:58 Start Clear [Box(7, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:36:58 Walk to center point = X: 442.5, Y: 1162.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:36:58 pos after walk to center point = X: 432.5, Y: 1160, Z: -0.08283453 2016-01-23 03:36:58 [Box(7, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:36:58 [Box(7, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:58 Start Clear [Box(8, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:36:58 Walk to center point = X: 502.5, Y: 1162.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:36:59 pos after walk to center point = X: 492.4579, Y: 1162.141, Z: 0.4445257 2016-01-23 03:36:59 [Box(8, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:36:59 [Box(8, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:59 [Box(8, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:36:59 Start Clear [Box(9, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:36:59 Walk to center point = X: 567.5, Y: 1167.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:37:18 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:18 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-4088 4089 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-4088 4089 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-4088 4089 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:19 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-4088 4089 2016-01-23 03:37:20 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:20 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:20 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:20 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-4088 4089 2016-01-23 03:37:20 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:20 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:20 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:37:20 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-4088 4089 2016-01-23 03:37:26 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-4275 2016-01-23 03:37:26 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-4277 2016-01-23 03:37:42 pos after walk to center point = X: 567.5, Y: 1167.5, Z: 7.886001 2016-01-23 03:37:42 [Box(9, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:37:42 [Box(9, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:37:42 [Box(9, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:37:42 Start Clear [Box(10, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:37:42 Walk to center point = X: 647.5, Y: 1152.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:37:46 Stuck when attacking FallenGrunt_A-4862 4080!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.616227 2016-01-23 03:37:47 Stuck when attacking FallenGrunt_A-4862 4080!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 0.6581957 2016-01-23 03:37:52 Stuck when attacking x1_SkeletonArcher_Westmarch_Ghost_A-4999 310888!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:37:56 pos after walk to center point = X: 650, Y: 1157.5, Z: 0.6901188 2016-01-23 03:37:56 [Box(10, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:37:56 [Box(10, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:37:56 [Box(10, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:37:56 Start Clear [Box(11, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:37:56 Walk to center point = X: 680, Y: 1160, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:37:56 pos after walk to center point = X: 687.5, Y: 1160, Z: 0.5117998 2016-01-23 03:37:56 [Box(11, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:37:56 [Box(11, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:37:56 [Box(11, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:37:56 Start Clear [Box(12, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:37:56 Walk to center point = X: 742.5, Y: 1162.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:37:57 pos after walk to center point = X: 736.4823, Y: 1160.263, Z: -1.198723 2016-01-23 03:37:57 [Box(12, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:37:57 [Box(12, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:37:57 [Box(12, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:37:57 Start Clear [Box(13, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:37:57 Walk to center point = X: 807.5, Y: 1167.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:37:58 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5245 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:58 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5245 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:58 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5245 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:58 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5245 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:58 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5245 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:58 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5245 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:37:59 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:59 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:59 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:59 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:37:59 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5245 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:37:59 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:38:00 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:38:00 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:38:00 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:38:00 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:38:00 cannot move to monster position - SkeletonArcher_A-5246 5346 2016-01-23 03:38:00 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5246 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:38:00 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5245 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:38:02 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5246 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:38:02 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5245 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:38:04 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5246 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:38:04 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5245 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:38:05 skipping monster SkeletonArcher_A-5246 as it's difficult to attack 2016-01-23 03:38:12 Looting Console_PowerGlobe-5766 2016-01-23 03:38:12 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-5916 2016-01-23 03:38:12 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-5915 2016-01-23 03:38:20 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:38:27 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:38:27 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:38:27 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:38:27 cannot move to monster position - FallenGrunt_A-5847 4080 2016-01-23 03:38:27 Stuck when attacking FallenGrunt_A-5847 4080!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:38:29 Stuck when attacking FallenGrunt_A-5847 4080!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:38:42 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-7376 2016-01-23 03:38:53 cannot move to monster position - x1_SkeletonArcher_Westmarch_Ghost_A-7797 310888 2016-01-23 03:39:00 Stuck when attacking x1_SkeletonArcher_Westmarch_Ghost_A-7862 310888!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:39:18 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-8603 2016-01-23 03:39:18 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-8601 2016-01-23 03:39:22 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:39:23 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:39:24 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:39:42 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:39:59 pos after walk to center point = X: 810, Y: 1167.5, Z: 20.04947 2016-01-23 03:39:59 [Box(13, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:39:59 [Box(13, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:39:59 [Box(13, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:39:59 Start Clear [Box(13, 20)] 2016-01-23 03:39:59 Walk to center point = X: 810, Y: 1235, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:39:59 pos after walk to center point = X: 820, Y: 1232.5, Z: 19.5148 2016-01-23 03:39:59 [Box(13, 20)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:39:59 [Box(13, 20)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:00 Start Clear [Box(13, 21)] 2016-01-23 03:40:00 Walk to center point = X: 832.5, Y: 1267.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:00 pos after walk to center point = X: 832.5, Y: 1267.5, Z: 17.80185 2016-01-23 03:40:00 [Box(13, 21)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:00 [Box(13, 21)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:00 Cleared [Box(13, 21)] 2016-01-23 03:40:00 [Box(13, 20)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:00 Start Clear [Box(14, 20)] 2016-01-23 03:40:00 Walk to center point = X: 880, Y: 1242.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:08 pos after walk to center point = X: 880, Y: 1245, Z: 2.606585 2016-01-23 03:40:08 [Box(14, 20)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:08 [Box(14, 20)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:08 [Box(14, 20)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:08 Start Clear [Box(15, 20)] 2016-01-23 03:40:08 Walk to center point = X: 912.5, Y: 1212.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:15 pos after walk to center point = X: 912.5, Y: 1212.5, Z: 0.1845713 2016-01-23 03:40:15 [Box(15, 20)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:15 [Box(15, 20)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:15 [Box(15, 20)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:15 Start Clear [Box(15, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:40:15 Walk to center point = X: 927.5, Y: 1167.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:22 pos after walk to center point = X: 916.4268, Y: 1164.341, Z: 1.907349E-06 2016-01-23 03:40:22 [Box(15, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:22 [Box(15, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:22 Start Clear [Box(14, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:40:22 Walk to center point = X: 842.5, Y: 1155, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:23 pos after walk to center point = X: 842.5, Y: 1155, Z: 20.54245 2016-01-23 03:40:23 [Box(14, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:23 [Box(14, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:23 [Box(14, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:24 Cleared [Box(14, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:40:24 [Box(15, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:24 [Box(15, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:24 Start Clear [Box(16, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:40:24 Walk to center point = X: 995, Y: 1165, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:25 pos after walk to center point = X: 995, Y: 1165, Z: 0.5494245 2016-01-23 03:40:25 [Box(16, 19)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:25 [Box(16, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:25 [Box(16, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:25 Start Clear [Box(16, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:40:25 Walk to center point = X: 990, Y: 1135, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:30 pos after walk to center point = X: 990, Y: 1135, Z: 0.7186353 2016-01-23 03:40:30 [Box(16, 18)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:30 [Box(16, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:30 Cleared [Box(16, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:40:30 Cleared [Box(16, 19)] 2016-01-23 03:40:30 [Box(15, 19)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:30 Start Clear [Box(15, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:40:30 Walk to center point = X: 927.5, Y: 1107.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:31 pos after walk to center point = X: 930, Y: 1115, Z: 0.7091694 2016-01-23 03:40:31 [Box(15, 18)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:31 [Box(15, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:31 Start Clear [Box(14, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:40:31 Walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 1107.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:31 pos after walk to center point = X: 869.1868, Y: 1100.554, Z: 8.99979 2016-01-23 03:40:31 [Box(14, 18)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:31 [Box(14, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:32 Start Clear [Box(13, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:40:32 Walk to center point = X: 807.5, Y: 1107.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:32 pos after walk to center point = X: 814.7207, Y: 1110.595, Z: 10.74697 2016-01-23 03:40:32 [Box(13, 18)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:32 [Box(13, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:32 Start Clear [Box(12, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:40:32 Walk to center point = X: 747.5, Y: 1112.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:33 pos after walk to center point = X: 752.5, Y: 1115, Z: -3.899855 2016-01-23 03:40:33 [Box(12, 18)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:33 [Box(12, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:33 Cleared [Box(12, 18)] 2016-01-23 03:40:33 [Box(13, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:33 [Box(13, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:34 [Box(13, 18)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:34 Start Clear [Box(13, 17)] 2016-01-23 03:40:34 Walk to center point = X: 792.5, Y: 1032.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:36 pos after walk to center point = X: 786.0746, Y: 1042.522, Z: 13.14097 2016-01-23 03:40:36 [Box(13, 17)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:36 [Box(13, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:36 Start Clear [Box(12, 17)] 2016-01-23 03:40:36 Walk to center point = X: 752.5, Y: 1052.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:36 pos after walk to center point = X: 755, Y: 1062.5, Z: 8.783516 2016-01-23 03:40:36 [Box(12, 17)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:36 [Box(12, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:36 [Box(12, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:36 Start Clear [Box(12, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:40:36 Walk to center point = X: 762.5, Y: 1002.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:36 pos after walk to center point = X: 762.5, Y: 1002.5, Z: 17.94616 2016-01-23 03:40:36 [Box(12, 16)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:36 [Box(12, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:36 [Box(12, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:37 Start Clear [Box(13, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:40:37 Walk to center point = X: 807.5, Y: 987.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:37 cannot move to monster position - FallenGrunt_A-11216 4080 2016-01-23 03:40:37 pos after walk to center point = X: 807.7332, Y: 996.3654, Z: 18.04137 2016-01-23 03:40:37 [Box(13, 16)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:37 [Box(13, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:37 [Box(13, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:37 [Box(13, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:37 Start Clear [Box(14, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:40:37 Walk to center point = X: 872.5, Y: 987.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:41 pos after walk to center point = X: 870, Y: 995, Z: 0.262722 2016-01-23 03:40:41 [Box(14, 16)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:41 [Box(14, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:41 [Box(14, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:41 Start Clear [Box(14, 17)] 2016-01-23 03:40:41 Walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 1047.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:46 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:40:47 pos after walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 1047.5, Z: 11.92548 2016-01-23 03:40:47 [Box(14, 17)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:47 [Box(14, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:47 [Box(14, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:47 [Box(14, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:47 Start Clear [Box(15, 17)] 2016-01-23 03:40:47 Walk to center point = X: 925, Y: 1045, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:47 pos after walk to center point = X: 913.2772, Y: 1045.51, Z: 10.41926 2016-01-23 03:40:47 [Box(15, 17)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:47 [Box(15, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:47 [Box(15, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:47 [Box(15, 17)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:47 Start Clear [Box(15, 16)] 2016-01-23 03:40:47 Walk to center point = X: 912.5, Y: 972.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:48 pos after walk to center point = X: 912.5, Y: 972.5, Z: 0.2848549 2016-01-23 03:40:48 [Box(15, 16)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:48 [Box(15, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:48 [Box(15, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:48 [Box(15, 16)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:48 Start Clear [Box(15, 15)] 2016-01-23 03:40:48 Walk to center point = X: 927.5, Y: 927.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:49 pos after walk to center point = X: 922.7856, Y: 930.3298, Z: 0.5294573 2016-01-23 03:40:49 [Box(15, 15)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:49 [Box(15, 15)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:49 Start Clear [Box(14, 15)] 2016-01-23 03:40:49 Walk to center point = X: 892.5, Y: 920, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:49 pos after walk to center point = X: 900.0743, Y: 922.5834, Z: 0.3975945 2016-01-23 03:40:49 [Box(14, 15)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:49 [Box(14, 15)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:49 Start Clear [Box(13, 15)] 2016-01-23 03:40:49 Walk to center point = X: 815, Y: 925, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:51 Stuck when attacking FallenGrunt_A-11446 4080!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:40:53 pos after walk to center point = X: 815, Y: 925, Z: 20.23049 2016-01-23 03:40:53 [Box(13, 15)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:53 [Box(13, 15)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:53 Start Clear [Box(12, 15)] 2016-01-23 03:40:53 Walk to center point = X: 762.5, Y: 935, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:54 pos after walk to center point = X: 762.5, Y: 935, Z: 20.68052 2016-01-23 03:40:54 [Box(12, 15)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:54 [Box(12, 15)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:54 Cleared [Box(12, 15)] 2016-01-23 03:40:54 [Box(13, 15)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:54 [Box(13, 15)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:54 [Box(13, 15)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:54 Start Clear [Box(13, 14)] 2016-01-23 03:40:54 Walk to center point = X: 807.5, Y: 867.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:54 pos after walk to center point = X: 805, Y: 870, Z: 20.71835 2016-01-23 03:40:54 [Box(13, 14)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:54 [Box(13, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:54 [Box(13, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:54 Start Clear [Box(14, 14)] 2016-01-23 03:40:54 Walk to center point = X: 867.5, Y: 867.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:55 pos after walk to center point = X: 866.3187, Y: 858.0499, Z: 10.49377 2016-01-23 03:40:55 [Box(14, 14)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:55 [Box(14, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:55 [Box(14, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:55 [Box(14, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:55 Start Clear [Box(15, 14)] 2016-01-23 03:40:55 Walk to center point = X: 917.5, Y: 857.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:55 pos after walk to center point = X: 917.5, Y: 857.5, Z: 8.364939 2016-01-23 03:40:55 [Box(15, 14)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:55 [Box(15, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:55 [Box(15, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:55 [Box(15, 14)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:56 Start Clear [Box(15, 13)] 2016-01-23 03:40:56 Walk to center point = X: 915, Y: 825, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:56 pos after walk to center point = X: 917.5, Y: 835.0126, Z: 10.73348 2016-01-23 03:40:56 [Box(15, 13)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:56 [Box(15, 13)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:56 Start Clear [Box(14, 13)] 2016-01-23 03:40:56 Walk to center point = X: 855, Y: 795, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:40:56 pos after walk to center point = X: 860, Y: 785, Z: 7.68894 2016-01-23 03:40:56 [Box(14, 13)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:40:56 [Box(14, 13)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:40:56 Start Clear [Box(13, 13)] 2016-01-23 03:40:56 Walk to center point = X: 802.5, Y: 815, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:41:02 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-11611 4089 2016-01-23 03:41:02 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-11611 4089 2016-01-23 03:41:07 pos after walk to center point = X: 802.5, Y: 812.5, Z: 20.15861 2016-01-23 03:41:07 [Box(13, 13)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:41:07 [Box(13, 13)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:07 Start Clear [Box(12, 13)] 2016-01-23 03:41:07 Walk to center point = X: 750, Y: 807.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:41:08 pos after walk to center point = X: 750, Y: 807.5, Z: 20.05397 2016-01-23 03:41:08 [Box(12, 13)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:41:08 [Box(12, 13)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:08 Cleared [Box(12, 13)] 2016-01-23 03:41:08 [Box(13, 13)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:08 [Box(13, 13)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:08 [Box(13, 13)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:08 Start Clear [Box(13, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:41:08 Walk to center point = X: 815, Y: 757.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:41:08 pos after walk to center point = X: 810, Y: 767.5, Z: 17.82682 2016-01-23 03:41:08 [Box(13, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:41:09 [Box(13, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:09 [Box(13, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:09 Start Clear [Box(14, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:41:09 Walk to center point = X: 882.5, Y: 760, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:41:09 pos after walk to center point = X: 881.9913, Y: 766.1041, Z: 0.1931839 2016-01-23 03:41:09 [Box(14, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:41:09 [Box(14, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:09 [Box(14, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:09 [Box(14, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:09 Start Clear [Box(15, 12)] 2016-01-23 03:41:09 Walk to center point = X: 912.5, Y: 732.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:41:11 Stuck when attacking x1_LR_DeathMaiden_A-12093 373145!, Moving nearer mechanism!, health= 1 2016-01-23 03:41:19 pos after walk to center point = X: 901.4888, Y: 734.5318, Z: 0.3399811 2016-01-23 03:41:19 [Box(15, 12)] looks like exit 2016-01-23 03:41:19 [Box(15, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:19 [Box(15, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:19 [Box(15, 12)] direction =  2016-01-23 03:41:19 Start Clear [Box(15, 11)] 2016-01-23 03:41:19 Walk to center point = X: 927.5, Y: 687.5, Z: 0 2016-01-23 03:41:33 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:39 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-13036 2016-01-23 03:41:40 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-13035 2016-01-23 03:41:40 Looting p1_tiered_rifts_Orb-13037 2016-01-23 03:41:44 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:45 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:47 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:47 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:41:49 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:51 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:52 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:52 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:41:54 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:56 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:57 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:41:57 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:41:59 checkStuck 75 2016-01-23 03:41:59 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:01 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:03 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:03 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:42:05 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:06 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:08 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:08 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:42:10 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:12 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:14 checkStuck 75 2016-01-23 03:42:14 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:14 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:42:17 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:18 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:20 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:20 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:42:22 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:23 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:25 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:25 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:42:27 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:29 checkStuck 75 2016-01-23 03:42:29 Use Town Portal and Return 2016-01-23 03:42:44 Use Portal 191492 2016-01-23 03:42:49 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:51 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:51 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-13171 4089 2016-01-23 03:42:53 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:55 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:56 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:42:56 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-14836 4089 2016-01-23 03:42:58 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:00 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:02 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:02 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-14836 4089 2016-01-23 03:43:03 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:05 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:07 checkStuck 75 2016-01-23 03:43:07 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:07 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-14836 4089 2016-01-23 03:43:09 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:11 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:12 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:12 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-14836 4089 2016-01-23 03:43:14 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:16 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:18 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:18 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-14836 4089 2016-01-23 03:43:19 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:21 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:21 checkStuck 75 2016-01-23 03:43:23 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:23 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-14836 4089 2016-01-23 03:43:26 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:28 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:30 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:30 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-15653 4089 2016-01-23 03:43:32 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:33 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:35 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:35 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-15711 4089 2016-01-23 03:43:37 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:39 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:40 Moving Stuck! 2016-01-23 03:43:40 cannot move to monster position - FallenHound_A-15711 4089 2016-01-23 03:43:42 Moving Stuck!