Bot Exploit

Full Version: A1 Clear Scavengers Den bounty fails
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A1 Clear Scavengers Den bounty (A1 Adventure Mode, Five Bounty.xml):
This bounty fails when Rockmaw (hidden elite worm) spawns as the last monster to kill- think it is usually at the exit.
x1_devilshand_unique_Rockworm_A3-22063, ID=340452

Here is the actor id of the bloody chests the bot won't open: trOut_Highlands_chest_Bloody-21764, ID=79319

Please fix the profile and add the chests. Thank you.
We'll add the chest in the next version.

For the hidden elite worm, so the character cannot find it?
Is there any tricks to find the hidden elite worm ?
If the bot moves to the exit (pillar) and waits a few seconds it should appear. If the worm doesn't spawn then it functions normally so the code could be something like if the area is explored and bounty is not finished then move to exit pillar and wait 5 seconds.

Here's another chest from the caverns of Araneae to add.
a2dun_Spider_Chest-11818, ID=70534

Yeah.. many of the chest bounties are flawed so the bot either ignores or doesn't complete properly.

This wasn't a problem in the past.. it's been with the recent updates.. maybe stemming back to .323 or so.
Here is another chest to add, Titanium. That one may already be in there, but don't think so. Random rift where I noticed the bot wasn't opening chests.
a2dun_Swr_Chest-11127, ID=197642
And the clouds from whimsyshire/whimsydale:
a1dun_Random_Cloud-57271, ID=212491
Pot of gold from same:
a1dun_random_pot_of_gold_A-59117, ID=210422

So all those chest/cloud IDs=79319, 70534, 197642, 212491, 210422
Oh and the Rockworm can spawn anywhere.
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