Bot Exploit

Full Version: Error hooking code "Cave"
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I've gotten an error every time I try to launch the bot with a profile for running Act 1 bounties when out of stones. It logs in but doesn't start the game just hangs and closes out. I'm looking to run this on four accounts to max out my drop rates but I need to test it's salience before I commit to buying it.
Did you start the correct quest? If you're running 3-7-3 profiles, you should select Act 3, 7th quest, 3rd step in private game mode.
If you're running adventure mode profiles, you should select adventure mode in private game mode in diablo 3.

If you still have the problem, you can check the "output file log" option in settings, run another round and send us the log files for investigation.
It was ready for adventure mode is there an option to run it with the account already logged in?
EDIT: Also does it have multibox support?
no we don't have the option to run it with the account already logged in.
Normally it runs fine without problems.

If you still have the problem, you can check the "output file log" option in settings, run another round and send us the log files for investigation.
Maybe you have some antivirus program which prevent the bot from running commands in game?
You may have to disable it or other similar programs.
I've disabled all background processes and tried to run it with the starting quest but got the same error.

The log output is as follows:
Bot Version 0.9.322
Profile - Act 1 , Fallen Star (Starting Quest level 1) v3.xml
Start botting
SubQuest not found
Prepare to start game UI
Exception System.Exception: error cannot run hook code cave, probably game hanged, kill process
at ..(UInt32 addrToRun,  sleepAfterHook, Int32 )
at ..( uiComponent, UInt32 clickHandler,  )
at ..( ignoreVisible, Boolean )
at ..( )
at ..(Boolean document,  defaultMustBeInStartScreen, XmlDocument skipForParty, Boolean )
at ..( rootDocument, XmlDocument )
at ..(Int32 maxTryTimes)
Sorry to double post but I've tried this on another account and it's the same problem :/
Did you put the game in window mode first?

That's strange. Did you try it in other computers? Rarely we encounter this problem.
Yes it was in windowed mode as most bots require it so I have my client preset, I can try on another computer if I get another trial as mine has run out.
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